
Marketing Macarons

My new secret to get more done... in less time (it's a game-changer!) (MM #4)

Hi Reader,

A couple of weeks ago, I asked for feedback on my newsletter. Among the heaps of positive comments I got –

One of the core pieces of feedback was: that my newsletter is just a tad bit long.

Guilty as charged: the last issue I sent out had a read time of nearly 8 minutes!

I’m taking this feedback on board and embracing the challenge head-on. So from this week forward, I’ll be sending out a weekly letter, with just one key topic.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into today’s Productivity strategy.

Read time: ~2 minutes

I’ll start by confessing something:

I used to bask in the glory of getting a lot done daily.

Celebrated my brain’s ability to multitask.

Took pride in my hyperproductivity.

Being a productivity nerd, of course, I’d heard of single-tasking. But I’d never truly believed it could work. It just didn’t sound convincing enough to a Type A like me.

So I decided to become my own guinea pig.

I ran a test over the past month. I made a fierce commitment to single-tasking.

And the results surprised me.

What’s single-tasking, and why should you care?

As the name suggests, it’s the very antithesis of multi-tasking.

It means focusing on just one task at a time.

The key to successfully single-task is to eliminate all distractions. Close those pesky hundreds of tabs on your laptop and silence your phone – or better yet, keep it out of sight (like, even in another room. Wild idea, right?)

Single-tasking has vastly improved my deep focus and concentration. And I found I could get through projects much more quickly.

Like, 20% quicker (I’ve measured it. Read on to find out how).

Which brings me to the most amazing tool I use to single-task.

The Pomodoro technique:

Pomodoro is a well-known, incredibly effective time management technique that makes you split your work into short time blocks, typically 25 minutes each.

Each “pomodoro” or 25-minute sprint is followed by a short 5-minute break. You get to take a longer 15-30 minute break after every 4 “pomodoros”

And man oh man, has it been a game-changer for me. Literally.

It makes me hyper-focused on the task at hand.

The 25-minute sprint creates a sense of urgency, and I’m often racing to get more done, before the clock starts to chime (I use this free Pomodoro timer).

The 5-10 minute break in between works like magic to recharge and refresh me, so I come back raring to go for the next sprint.

** Pauses writing you this letter to take a short break between 2 “pomodoros” haha**

Just this past week, I’ve managed to:

  • Craft brand strategy and create a short deck for a startup client
  • Create a personal branding proposal to onboard 2x new clients
  • Plan and set up my upcoming writing + newsletter webinar
  • Create content and post 5x on LinkedIn (yes, it’s a LOT)
  • Send out a quick newsletter to register early interest
  • Write 5,000+ words for an upcoming secret project

And I still have 2 full day’s worth to get even more work done!

So trust me when I tell you, this epic combination of single-tasking plus the Pomodoro technique is my new secret superpower.

Have you been “Pomodoro-ing” (is that even a word, haha)?

How’s it been going for you?

And if you haven’t yet, will you give it a whirl, and see if it works for you?

Let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Ace your MarketingI can help with your GTM strategy, integrated campaigns, website creation or redesign, and manage your email, social media, content marketing and lead gen.
  2. Build your Personal BrandGrow your online presence and thought leadership, attract the right opportunities, and build a million $ network.
  3. Join a Vibrant, Supportive CommunityConnect with me on LinkedIn and be part of a global community of 9,300+ leaders and changemakers.

With gratitude and macarons,

Neha Kirpalani

Founder & Chief "Everything Officer", Marketing Consultant, Personal Brand Strategist

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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Marketing Macarons

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